Boeing 727 [22982 / 1802]

Registration: N729CK
Operator: Kalitta Charters II
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
A6-HHM Dubai Government727-2641982Mexicana NTU
A6-EMB Emirates Airlines727-2641988
A7-ABD Qatar Airways727-2641995s24.04.99 Doha open str no tit, sDubai 9.03.00 (ret is?), str Doha s20.02.01
N751DHAstar Air Cargo727-264(F)2001PAC 22982 18.07.01 N-rgd, sTucson 28.07.01 basic Qatar col, not yet F-cvtd, s3.11.01 inside hangar bare metal,s str 16.12.01 not F-cvtd, s30.03.02 still inside hangar, repo as F (really now F-cvtd?), s13.04.02 metallic id, s19.07.02 being worked on, ART 22982 LLC 30.12.02 opb DHL, s21.09.06 CLT nc, ART 22982 to ASTAR Air Cargo 02.05.08, sCVG 02.04.09 stored, sIGM 29.06.09, s04.10.10 fc, ASTAR USA LLC to ASTAR Cargo Holdings LLC 30.11.10, sIGM 25.01.11 fc, minus engine #1, DHL Network Operations
N729CKKalitta Charters II727-264F(WL)2012frd IGM-Oscada 31.08.12, rr res 06.02.13, rr 01.03.13, s28.05.13 winglets, sis 04.03.14 SDF fcs, s11.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N751DH Astar Air CargoKIGMcolinw
A6-HHM Dubai GovernmentEGLLWarthog1