Boeing 727 [22984 / 1813]

Registration: PR-IOC
Operator: Asas Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
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Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N774AL USAir727-2641982Mexicana NTU
N764US USAir727-2641988wfu sMIA 11.11.92,Phoenix 29.12.92/ own Pol 1.12.88,ret 30.11.92
N764ATAmerican Trans Air727-2641993sPhoe 28.1,gone 17.2/rr 93, FSB to ATA 30.11.00, operated final ATA 727 flight 8.05.02 CUN-ORD, BATA Leasing LLC 17.06.02, sRoswell NM 9.02 ooc, s02.02.03 fc, frd to JAX 04.12.03
N764ATAstar Air Cargo727-264(F)2004WFBN 29.12.03, cvtd to freighter, ASTAR 29.09.06, wfu by early 05.09, frd Wilmington OH-Kingman 23.07.09 for str, s22.09.09 fc, frd IGM-MZJ 22.05.10
PR-IOCRio Lineas Aereas727-264(F)2010Rio AL USA bt 19.05.10, frd IGM-MZJ 22.05.10, RIO r01.07.10, frd MZJ--Curitiba 15-16.07.10, N-reg canc 21.07.10, sis REC 13.09.10 fc, sBSB 11.15
PR-IOCSideral Linhas Aereas727-264(F)2017sBrasilia, Rio bcs, Sideral titles, presum awaiting delivery in 01.17, seems str after 06.03.18 (no more flights on fr24)
PR-IOCAsas Linhas Aereas727-264(F)2020pkd CWB awaits start up
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N764AT Astar Air CargoKIGMcolinw