Boeing 737 Classic [23499 / 1242]

Registration: PK-BBC
Operator: Cardig Air
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PT-TEABoeing737-3Y01986Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PT-TEATransbrasil737-3Y01986GPA, ret 13.05.92
N303ALAloha Airlines737-3Y0(F)1992cargo-door conv at PEMCO sMIA 13.05.92
N303ALVanguard Airlines737-3Y0(F)1995arr Kansas 14.11.95,repaint late 11.95/is 12.12.95, ret at Everett to Aloha 15.05.97
N330AWAmerica West Airlines737-3Y0(F)1997s12.7 Phoe, old reg on sticker, old reg s1.12, nw reg s7.12.97, wfu 09.07.01, sPhoenix bare metal prepared for ret 16.07.01, s Shandong fcs 02.10.01, s str windows engines covered Shandong fcs 28.11.01
B-2165Shandong Airlines737-3Y0(F)2002own Aero USA Inc, sKIX opf Air China Cargo 3 times a week 01.04.03, ret GECAS 21.08.03, own WFBN 21.08.03
N499AYLessor737-3Y0(F)2003frd-->KEF 26.08.03, rgd to AHL 22.08.03
TF-BBXBluebird Cargo737-3Y0(F)2003sCGN white-cs 30.10.04, Air Atlanta Icelandic tfs 01.01.05, sEMA Islandsflug-bcs no tit 15.01.05, frd-->MMX 21.01.05
XA-UDQEstafeta Carga Aerea737-3Y0(F)2005sMIA fcs 16.07.05
N499AYLessor737-3Y0(F)2007unk loc
VP-BCJAeroflot Cargo737-3Y0(F)2008ret WFBN 06.09
ZS-SMGImperial Air Cargo737-3Y0(F)2009
ZS-SMGAir Contractors737-3Y0(F)2010sDUB white-cs 15.01.12
PK-YSETrigana Air Service737-3Y0(F)2012
PK-BBCCardig Air737-3Y0(F)2015sWanema 02.01.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VP-BCJ Aeroflot CargoEGSSGreggy
N330AW America West AirlinesKLASGreggy