Boeing 737 Classic [23559 / 1451]

Registration: N544MS
Operator: AFS Investments
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N348PBoeing737-3011987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
N348PPiedmont Airlines737-3011987own USW 30.09.87
N356USUS Airways737-3011997FUNB r15.12.99, to WB 22.05.02, arr&str MHV 21.10.02, dep&bis 25.02.03, frd-->MZJ USAW-ocs 19.01.06, ret WB and own AFSI 73 16.03.06, own WFBN 02.08.06
N356USKD Avia - Kaliningrad Avia737-3012006
VP-BJYKD Avia - Kaliningrad Avia737-3012008csd ops 08.09.09, frd-->QLA ret WFBN 13.09.09
N544MSAFS Investments737-3012010N-reg canc perm wfu 24.08.10, s being brup 05.09.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N544MS AFS InvestmentsEGHLgrahamepage
N544MS AFS InvestmentsEGHLcolinw
VP-BJY KD Avia - Kaliningrad AviaEGHLgrahamepage
VP-BJY KD Avia - Kaliningrad AviaEGHLcolinw
VP-BJY KD Avia - Kaliningrad AviaEDDLJLRAviation
N356US US AirwaysKORDWarthog1
N356US USAirKTPAWarthog1