Boeing 737 Classic [23626 / 1284]

Registration: EC-JJV
Operator: Tunisair
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Historic
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N3281WBoeing737-33A1986Boeing production reg
N165AWBoeing737-33A1986Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
N165AWAmerica West Airlines737-33A1986own WTC 1.87, sold to AWMS I 23.01.01, wfu & ret AWMS I at Lake City 23.08.01, arr DUB 16.05.02
EC-IFVHola Airlines737-33A2002depDUB 21.05.02
EC-IFVHola Airlines737-33A2002
EC-IFVTunisair737-33A2004sLJU Tunisair-tit white tail td
EC-IFVHola Airlines737-33A2004sLIS white-cs no tit, sAMS same-cs opf EUJEt 17.10.04
EC-IFVOlympic Airlines737-33A2004frd-->ATH white-cs td, sPalma str white-cs no tit 03.02.05, frd-->DUB for maint ret RPK 30.05.05
A6-PHCAVE.com737-33A2005sDXB large "Ave"-tit on fwd fuselage td, sIST white-cs pkd 20.10.11, s being brup rear fuselage cut off 06.09.12
EC-JJVTunisair737-33A2006lsd to Futura Int'l AW, sPMI white-cs Tunisair-tit 26.06.05, s white-cs no tit 22.09.05
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N165AW America West AirlinesKPHXWarthog1