Boeing 737 Classic [23708 / 1395]

Registration: 9H-AUL
Operator: Maleth Aero
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PT-TECBoeing737-3751987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PT-TECCanadian Airlines International737-3751987Pacific Western NTU
PT-TECTransbrasil737-3751987GPA, own MBB 30.06.92,ret GPA 14.04.95,arr SNN,Dub 16.04.95 for overh,white s28.06.95
4L-AAAORBI Georgian Airlines737-3751995
D-AGEXGermania737-3751996EasyJet due 2.97 G-EZYC NTU own ORBI,rr 20.12.96 Tegel, own B&B, lsd directly to Germania (not via ORBI) from 20.12.96, not is
D-AGEXDeutsche BA737-3751997s white, tit
G-EZYFeasyJet737-3751997arr Lasham 10.10.97, frd EMA 30.10 basic easyJ col, ret owner 1.11, BBAM AHT 1.11 as G- bt, r3.11 easyJ, lsd and frd Luton 12.11, is 12.11.97, own AFSI 59 02.04.04, wfu&frd-->DUB 26.11.04
N111KHAFS Investments737-375(F)2005frd-->TLV for F-conv 20.01.05, f-cvtd 06.05
N111KHKitty Hawk Aircargo737-375(F)2005frd-->SNN fcs td, sARD str ret GECAS 29.10.07
EC-KTZSwiftair737-375(F)2008wfs spring 2015
N604CBLessor737-375(F)2016frd Bacau-SEN 16.05.16, repainted white, frd to Newquay 21.05.16, presum str, Celestial EC-rgd to N604CB WFBN 17.06.16, r20.06.16, canc 14.07.16 to M- / N912TJ r14.12.15 error/ntu?
M-MOVEEuropean Skybus737-375(F)2016frd NQY-BOH 29.07.16 white, ferrying engines USA-BOH, repo 09.16 for AirX, repo to take 3x 733F, M-reg canc 03.04.17
9H-AULMaleth Aero737-375(F)2017local acc. flight BOH 17.04.17
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-AUL Maleth AeroEGHHcolinw
9H-AUL Maleth AeroEGHHWarthog1
EC-KTZ SwiftairEGGWgrahamepage
G-EZYF easyJetEGKKJLRAviation
G-EZYF easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEHAMGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEHAMGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEHAMAyronautica
G-EZYF easyJetEGGWGreggy
G-EZYF easyJetEHAMWarthog1