Boeing 737 Classic [23752 / 1484]

Registration: N669SW
Operator: Southwest Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N32836Boeing737-3A41987Boeing production reg
N747BHBoeing737-3A41987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
N747BHLessor737-3A41987N311AC,N681AA American NTU, ILFC rr after del 12.87
EC-161Viva Air737-3A41988
EC-EHXViva Air737-3A41988
EC-EHXViva Air737-3A41989
EC-591Viva Air737-3A41991
EC-FFBViva Air737-3A41991ret 2.92
N736SSierra Pacific Airlines737-3A41992sPhoe10.5 xSierra col
N758MAMorris Air737-3A41993sPhoe fc
N669SWSouthwest Airlines737-3A41994ILFC to ACG 25.06.98, frd DAL-SGT 30.06.16 for lse return, ACG Acq XX LLC, pwfu, canc 19.08.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N669SW Southwest AirlinesKSJCcolinw
N669SW Southwest AirlinesKLASFlyDroo
N669SW Southwest AirlinesKLASGreggy
N669SW Southwest AirlinesKAUSWarthog1
EC-FFB Viva AirEGLLWarthog1
EC-EHX Viva AirEGLLAyronautica
EC-EHX Viva AirEGLLAyronautica
EC-EHX IberiaESSAWarthog1