YV18ES/YV18ES Estelar Latinoamerica Boeing 737 Classic Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Ayronautica

Boeing 737 Classic [23774 / 1443]

Registration: YV18ES
Operator: Estelar Latinoamerica
HEX Code:
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3B2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Business
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-SDYBoeing737-3291987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
OO-SDYSabena737-3292001ceased ops BRU 07.11.01, TT 34126 hrs, 24233 cyc, s white no tit 03.05.02
D-ADIEdba737-3292002sSTR Deutsche BA-nfcs 01.09.02
N774CTLessor737-3292004sSEN hangared 15.04.04, sAir Horizons-fcs 07.06.04, own CITLC 07.07.04
F-GRNFAir Horizons737-3292004csd ops at BRU & ret CITLC 15.11.05
EC-JQXHola Airlines737-3292006
EC-JQXOlympic Airlines737-3292006sDUS white-cs fuselage-tit and taillogo td
EC-JQXHola Airlines737-3292008frd-->PMI white-cs no tit td, sQLA str white-cs 13.09.08
G-CFODCIT Leasing Co737-3292008
N473CTCIT Leasing Co737-3292008own TAG Avtn-->SACI 12.12.08, frd-->BOH 03.01.09, own ESL-->MCS 20.05.10
9H-MTFMaleth Aero737-3292013VIP 48 pax, first repo to be Multiflight Charter. WFU 07.03.2020. Std CQM 12.03.2020.
YV18ESEstelar Latinoamerica737-329202448 pax config. Frd CQM-FOR-PZO 05.09.2024 on del.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-MTF Maleth AeroEGGWLGW_Harris
9H-MTF Maleth AeroEGHHcolinw
9H-MTF Maleth AeroEGPKFlyDroo
9H-MTF Maleth AeroOTT/OFFAyronautica
9H-MTF Maleth AeroOTT/OFFgrahamepage
SX-MTF CorporateEGGWAyronauticaPhoto Taken
SX-MTF CorporateEGGWFlyDroo
EC-JQX Olympic AirlinesLGKRGreggy
OO-SDY SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SDY SabenaLGATAyronautica
OO-SDY SabenaEGLLAyronautica
OO-SDY SabenaEGLLAyronautica
OO-SDY SabenaEGLLAyronautica
OO-SDY SabenaEGLLAyronautica
OO-SDY SabenaEKCHWarthog1