Boeing 737 Classic [23787 / 1374]

Registration: N290RL
Operator: ACG Acquisitions
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-ECMBoeing737-3S31987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EC-ECMAir Europa737-3S31987ILFC
G-BNXPAir Europe737-3S31987
EC-155Air Europa737-3S31988
EC-ECMAir Europa737-3S31988
G-BNXPAir Europe737-3S31988
EC-276Air Europa737-3S31989
EC-ECMAir Europa737-3S31989
G-BNXPAir Europe737-3S31989ret ILFC 31.10.90
CC-CYELADECO737-3S31990ret ILFC,San Salv 13.11.93
N375TATACA International Airlines737-3S31993ro 3.12.93 white,TACA tit,is/own FSBU 11.93/wfu 3.04.94
N375TATACA International Airlines737-3S31995s27.08.95 TACA small tit,white
N375TAAviateca737-3S319959.95,sis22.9 white/ret ILFC 1.96/Transbrazil lsd NTU (technical problems) ret ILFC 29.02.96
N375TAWestern Pacific Airlines737-3S31996s12.04.96 Bronco Cowboy col/rr due N954WP but ann 8.97 rr canc
PP-SFLVASP737-3S31998sSao Paulo 29.3 N-rgd, N-canc FSB 8.04.98, for VASP, ACG Acq r25.02.99, repo ACG 21.12.99 but ret is by 2.00 after payments, ret ACG Acq 10.00
PP-VQWVARIG737-3S32001Transbrasil NTU reported 04.01, rgd td, ret ACGA 11.05
PR-BRKBRA Transportes Aereos737-3S32005arrSJK td, csd ops unk loc 07.11.07
PR-BRKOceanAir737-3S32007sGIG str after D-check 03.08, frd-->LIM 09.08
HC-CGSAerogal737-3S32009arrVCV ret ACGA 17.02.11
N290RLACG Acquisitions737-3S32011N-reg canc 16.07.12, s12.11.12
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-BNXP Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNXP Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica