Boeing 737 Classic [23811 / 1445]

Registration: 9M-NEF
Operator: My Jet Express Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BNPABoeing737-3S31987Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-BNPAAir Europe737-3S31987ILFC
C-FGHQOdyssey International737-3S31989
G-BNPAAir Europe737-3S31990str ret15.03.91 Dublin (ret ILFC)
G-DIARTEA UK737-3S31991ret 29.9
N841LFTACA International Airlines737-3S31991conv with side cargo door 8.09.92 Dothan AL
N841LFAviateca737-3S3(F)1992ret ILFC 30.07.94
D-ABWSLufthansa Cargo737-3S3(F)1994frd SXF-FRA 26.08.94/due ret ILFC 8.97, ret 9.97
N761LFLessor737-3S3(F)1997canc 12.9, Icelandair 18.09.97 ntu, frd to Dothan AL
TF-FIEIcelandair737-3S3(F)1998dd in JP00 but also repo 18.09.97, sCologne fc 20.08.98, Falcon Air ntu, s3.02.00 ATH opf TNT, sNWI Shanghai AL Cargo-fcs 04.04.04
N811ANMSA I737-3S3(F)2004
B-2605Shanghai Airlines737-3S3(F)2004Shanghai AL Cargo-fcs, frd-->SEN with B-reg 10.04.04, ret MSA unk loc 08.05
N811ANMSA I737-3S3(F)2005
LV-BBZAerolineas Argentinas737-3S3(F)2005sREC "Aerolineas Argentinas Cargo"-tit 04.10.05, frd-->MZJ ret MSA I 25.09.06
N811ANMSA I737-3S3(F)2006frd-->VQQ 09.11.06, frd-->PMI white-cs 28.03.07
EC-KDYSwiftair737-3S3(F)2007sMAD white-cs no tit 27.04.07
N811ANMSA I737-3S3(F)2011
9M-NEFNeptune Air737-3S3(F)2011white-cs Tri-MG-tit td, ret lessor by 06.15
PK-MYUMy Indo Airlines737-3S3(F)2015sCGK 01.10.15, named 'Hegrah Arraazi'
9M-NEFNeptune Air737-3S3(F)2016sPenang, see above, might be different aircraft?
9M-NEFMy Jet Express Airlines737-3S3(F)2018
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9M-NEF My Jet Express AirlinesWSSSLGW_Harris
D-ABWS Lufthansa CargoEDDFWarthog1
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGSSAyronautica
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPA Air EuropeEGKKWarthog1