Boeing 737 Classic [23921 / 1513]

Registration: D-ADIH
Operator: Germania
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-BTTBoeing737-3Y01988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EI-BTTCorse Air International737-3Y01988GPA
EI-BTTCorsair International737-3Y01991
F-GLTTCorsair International737-3Y01992own MaF,arr Bru 8.02.93,ret 25.02.93 Bru,TEA Bazel lse ntu
5B-CIOTEA Cyprus737-3Y01993
5B-CUIVietnam Airlines737-3Y01993s24.4 Hong Kong all white opf Viet/wfu 28.02.94 Ho Chi Minh City,ret TEA,arr Zurich 2.03.94, D-check
PH-OZBAir Holland737-3Y01994frd Dub-STN 8.4 all white, arr 15.4 is 16.4/lsd via TEA Cyprus,direct from GPA 15.01.95
PH-OZBAir One (Italy)737-3Y01996fc, s4.04.97 Air One fc AMS, s15.04.97 STN
PH-OZBAir Holland737-3Y01997still Air One fc, AMS/B&B/NBB own by 6.97, still AHD lsd
PH-OZBCanarias Regional Air737-3Y01998sPalma basic AHD col, Canarias tit/logo, sBRU 24.11.98 overhaul
PH-OZBAir Holland737-3Y01998
9H-ADRAir Malta737-3Y01999rr due (probably ntu)
PH-OZBAir Holland737-3Y01999wfu 1.11.99, frd to Bru 1.11.99 for maint, PH-reg canc 26.05.00
F-GNFTAeris737-3Y02000own B&B, arr 31.03.00 Toulouse fc, s8.04.00 is, still as PH-OZB, id 24.05.00, rrgd 26.05.00 NBB Hague Co/IM,KT,IT,TS,NY, sCDG Aeris cs with tit 25.04.01, ceased ops 07.11.03, ret lessor &frd--SEN 07.11.03
N921NBLessor737-3Y02004s Aeris-fcs 10.04.04, own AIFS 30.04.04, own AG737AH 16.08.04
D-ADIHAir Berlin737-3Y02007fcs
D-ADIHGermania737-3Y02009fcs, painted white& frd-->WOE str 11.02.11, frd-->Kemble 10.06.11, D-reg canc 06.07.11, brup end 2011
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ADIH GermaniaEGLLgrahamepage
D-ADIH GermaniaLTFEWarthog1
D-ADIH dbaEDDFGreggy
PH-OZB Air HollandEGLLWarthog1
PH-OZB Air HollandEHAMWarthog1
PH-OZB Air HollandEHAMWarthog1
PH-OZB Air HollandLGATAyronautica