Boeing 737 Classic [23922 / 1538]

Registration: N23922
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-151Boeing737-3Y01988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EC-151Hispania Airlines737-3Y01988GPA
EC-EHZHispania Airlines737-3Y01988
N922ABLessor737-3Y01995ret 16.10.94 GPA,ShGC 18.10.94 (not to Travia!)
TF-ABKAir Atlanta Icelandic737-3Y01995s7.95 opf Atlanta,addit Aviareps tit,based Faro 8.95 opf Air Madeira/sLux 16.03.96 full Aviareps col,maint,25.03.96 Excalibur opf,ret 10.04.96?,wfu 21.06.96 Aviareps-Atlanta
TF-ABKKiwi International Airlines (NZ)737-3Y01996is 1.7,wfu 8.09.96,ret less 13.09.96
TF-ABKAir Atlanta Icelandic737-3Y01996arr Lux 24.09.96 white,opf Inter 28.11.96 white
OO-VEEVirgin Express737-3Y01997s6.01.97 Lux white,overh, frd to Bru 8.02.97, r11.02.97, is 15.02.97 white/Virgin logo, fc 22.11.97, Cauff,Lipman Avtn 26.06.98, FSB r30.06.98, lsd Virgin, wfu 26.09.00, Dublin 30.09.00 white, ret less 10.99, sDub 27.10.00 white
PT-SSKRio Sul737-3Y02000r31.10.00, repaint as PT- 4.11.00 Dublin, white, rgd 22.02.01, sPorto Alegre on maint prior ret 26.01.05
PT-SSKVARIG737-3Y02005sPOA ncs with large tit td
PT-SSKWebJet Linhas Aereas737-3Y02006sGIG white-cs no tit
PR-WJDWebJet Linhas Aereas737-3Y02008sGRU td, csd ops at POA 23.11.12
N23922Lessor737-3Y02013frdCNF--OPF 16.01.14, own MAA 01.07.14, N-reg canc wfu 25.02.15
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-VEE Virgin ExpressEIDWAyronautica
OO-VEE Virgin ExpressEGLLAyronautica
OO-VEE Virgin ExpressEGLLWarthog1
TF-ABK Air Atlanta IcelandicEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-EHZ Hispania AirlinesEGCCAyronautica