Boeing 737 Classic [23925 / 1544]

Registration: G-LGTI
Operator: British Airways
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BNGMBoeing737-3Y01988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-BNGMInter European Airways737-3Y01988GPA
G-BNGMTACA International Airlines737-3Y01989wfu 13.08.90
G-BNGMInter European Airways737-3Y01990ret Shannon 1.11.93,GPA 10.12.93
XA-SEOTAESA737-3Y01993frd 17.12,ret 30.11.95
OO-LTYEBA - EuroBelgian Airlines737-3Y01996lsd 26.2,frd 28.2,is 1.3
OO-LTYVirgin Express737-3Y01996after repaint, s27.05.97 fc, G-BNGM Sabre AW lse 1.06.98 ntu, slsd Sobelair 2.09.98 (is 8.9) full Virgin col, wfu 25.10.98, ret is 30.10.98 Virgin, ret lessor and frd-->Dublin TT41199, 20746 l 18.02.01, frd-->LHR 13.03.01
G-LGTIBritish Airways737-3Y02001is 27.07.01, wfu&frd-->GLA for pre ret maint 15.01.09, frd-->SEN 25.02.09, reported to be brup, own BA 28.05.09, G-reg canc 10.06.09, brup by 17.08.10
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-LGTI British AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
G-LGTI British AirwaysEHAMGreggy
G-LGTI British AirwaysEGKKgrahamepage
OO-LTY Virgin ExpressEGLLAyronautica
OO-LTY Virgin ExpressEGLLAyronautica
OO-LTY Virgin ExpressEGLLWarthog1
OO-LTY Virgin ExpressEGLLAyronautica
OO-LTY Virgin ExpressEIDWWarthog1
G-BNGM Inter European AirwaysEGCCAyronautica
G-BNGM Inter European AirwaysEGBBAyronautica