Boeing 737 Classic [23979 / 1661]

Registration: N239AR
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-239Boeing737-4Y01988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EC-EMINortjet737-4Y01989wfu 12.02.92,ret GPA,to Dublin 17.03.92 for maint
EI-CEVAir Tara737-4Y01992sDUB 14.05.92
XA-CSATAESA737-4Y01992as XA001 to Everett 29.05.92/still Nortjet col for maintenance/ret GPA 22.03.93
OO-SBNSobelair737-4Y01993is 3.4 small titl,wfu 15.10,ret 23.10,tit rem. 28.10
OO-SBNEBA Belgium737-4Y01995is3.11,MST 6-11.11 repaint
OO-SBNVirgin Express737-4Y01996EBA col,Virg tit/ EBA col / ret lessor, frd Dublin 1.04.97
TC-AFJPegasus Airlines737-4Y01997sDub 30.04.97 fc made ready, frd to IST 10.05.97
TC-AFJAir Algerie737-4Y01999sGVA 25.09.99 white, red tit/logo
TC-AFJPegasus Airlines737-4Y02001sNuremberg exact date of ret unk
TC-AFJKhalifa Airways737-4Y02002sAlicante td, repo Pegasus AL 03.03, ret Debis 26.03.03
F-GLXKAigle Azur737-4Y02003own AIL, sCDG non-standard cs td, ret AIL at LBG white-cs no tit 15.10.03, frd-->SNN 08.11.03
PK-RITMandala Airlines737-4Y02003frd-->Palma white-cs td, wfu s CGK 16.01.09
PK-YVPMetro Batavia737-4Y02009csd ops CGK 31.01.13
N239ARLessor737-4Y02013N-reg canc 03.05.13, s03.07.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-AFJ Air AlgerieEGLLGreggy
TC-AFJ Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-AFJ Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-AFJ Pegasus AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
TC-AFJ Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SBN Virgin ExpressEGLLWarthog1
EC-EMI NortjetEGGWAyronautica