Boeing 737 Classic [24059 / 1517]

Registration: ZS-SPU
Operator: Star Air Cargo
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BNPBBoeing737-3S31988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-BNPBAir Europe737-3S31988
C-FGHTOdyssey International737-3S31989
G-BNPBAir Europe737-3S31990str 8.03.91 Lasham
EC-771Air Europa737-3S31991
EC-FGGAir Europa737-3S31991ret 5.92
RP-C4006Philippine Airlines737-3S31992sManila 26.03.99 white no tit
G-DEBZDebonair737-3S31999arr EMA, r10.05.99, s1.06.99 stripped of paint, Luton arr 30.06.99, is 1.07.99, impounded 30.09.99 Luton, frd to USA 6.10.99, sOrlando 5.11.99 still as G-DEBZ, s25.11.99, KG ALC canc 22.12.99
N202KGLessor737-3S31999frd via St Johns 3.03.00 white, EMA 4.03.00, canc 21.03.00
G-OBWYBritish World Airlines737-3S32000sEMA 20.03.00 white, is 12.05.00 white, sfc 27.05.00, easyJet slsd 13.06.00 full BWA col, wfu 27.07.00, ret 29.07.00 (was due ret 10.00) s12.08.00 opf AOM, s15.08.00 opf BWA
G-OBWYNational Jets Italy737-3S32001s full BA col, due ret 4.01
G-OBWYBritish World Airlines737-3S32001ret at Southend, frd-->STN basic BA cs 26.04.01, frd-->EMA 14.12.01, ceased ops 15.12.01, rgd to KGAL 19.12.01
G-STRAAstraeus Airlines737-3S32002rr by KGAL 02.03.02
G-STRAAirAsia737-3S32004sBKK Astraeus-bcs Large AirAsia-tit td
G-STRAAstraeus Airlines737-3S32005sFNC Astraeus-cs&tit td
PK-KKYAdam Air737-3S32006FlyBe-bcs Adam-tit td, sSZB str 01.06.08
A6-FAYSilver Air737-3S32008
N240AGLessor737-3S32009str at JNB, s03.05.10, N-reg canc to South Africa unk operator 18.06.10
ZS-SPUSafair737-3S32010own Aergo Leasing
ZS-SPUVelvet Sky737-3S32011sJNB str 22.09.12
ZS-SPUSkywise737-3S32013own Star Air Cargo, wfs 10.11.15, AL ceased offic. 15.12.15
ZS-SPUStar Air Cargo737-3S32015wlsd to Air Zimbabwe 09.16, Swazi AW wetlse or plans to wetlease late 2016, but repo 04.17 abandoned plans, debt $467.000 to settle this issue
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-STRA Astraeus AirlinesEGSSWarthog1
G-STRA Astraeus AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-STRA Astraeus AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-STRA Astraeus AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-STRA Astraeus AirlinesEGKKgrahamepage
G-OBWY British World AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-OBWY British World AirlinesEGSSgrahamepage
G-BNPB Air EuropeEGKKWarthog1
G-BNPB Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPB Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPB Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica
G-BNPB Air EuropeEGKKAyronautica