Boeing 737 Classic [24096 / 1739]

Registration: 9M-AAF
Operator: AirAsia
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-SNWBoeing737-33A1989Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PP-SNWVASP737-33A1989GPA, wfu 17.11.92 GAZ,s3.93 fc,no eng still PP,s Phoe 13.4 VASP col,G,27.4 VT,29.4 G-reg stickered on/ret GPA
G-BUSLTNT European Airlines737-33A1992
VT-JACJet Airways737-33A1993Shannon 2.05.98, ret AWAS 7.05.98
G-OABLAB Airlines737-33A1998sSNN 12.05.98 fc, due ret AWAS 5.03, to Southend 22.05.98, EMA 15.06.98
G-OABLDebonair737-33A1998sAB purple, Debonair tit/logo, wfu 28.04.99 Southend, ret AB AL
G-OABLAir Toulouse737-33A1999s27.05.99 basic AB, no tit, due ret 11.99, is for Aeris s12.09.99, arr Send 16.09.99, frd toe Phoe 24.09.99, s28.9 basic col, depa 29.9 to XA-?
N496ANLessor737-33A2000sGoodyear AZ 12.02.00 TAESA fc XA-rgd, flighttest 5.06.00, N-reg canc 6.06.00
5Y-RABAirKenya737-33A2000frd GAZ-Thunder Bay 12.06.00
5Y-RABRegional Air737-33A2001painted British AW Union Flag cs 05.01, is 01.07.01, ret AWAS at LBG 13.11.01
N496ANLessor737-33A2001arr Norwich white cs 10.12.01, N-reg Canc to Kenya 07.01.02
5Y-RABKenya Airways737-33A2002
N496ANLessor737-33A2002arr&str MHV 24.09.02, dep to Mexico for mod (to Malaysia afterwards) 10.11.02
9M-AAFAirAsia737-33A2003sKUL fcs " Now everyone can fly"-tit 22.06.03, sXSP 16.10.08, s white-cs 09.11.08, sSIN fuselage in Fire Service compound 16.03.14
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