Boeing 737 Classic [24097 / 1741]

Registration: PK-YVU
Operator: Metro Batavia
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-SNZBoeing737-33A1989Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PP-SNZVASP737-33A1989GPA, wfu 17.11.92 GAZ,s3.93 fc,no eng still PP,s Phoenix 2.4 fc G-reg,28.4 full VT col, stickered 30.4 G-reg/ret GPA
G-BUSMTNT European Airlines737-33A1992
VT-JADJet Airways737-33A1993to Shannon 12.05.98, due ret AWAS 5.98
G-OABAAB Airlines737-33A1998due ret 5.03, ro Southend 22.05.98 fc, wfu 31.03.99
G-OABAEuralair737-33A1999sPhoe 25.09.99 full AB col, wfu 16.09.99, canc 27.10.99
N497ANLessor737-33A2000sGoodyear AZ 12.02.00 TAESA fc XA-rgd, s27.03.00 (as N?), WTC reg canc 3.05.00
5Y-RAARegional Air737-33A2000Goose Bay 5.5, Heraklion 8.5, sNairobi 12.05.00 op repo Regional AL, N497SR req by AWMS II 18.04.01
PT-SSPRio Sul737-33A2001
N497ANLessor737-33A2007at POA, frd-->HNL 08.02.07
PK-YVUMetro Batavia737-33A2007N-reg canc td, sCGK 13.03.07, csd ops unk loc 31.01.13
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