Boeing 737 Classic [24124 / 1679]

Registration: JY-JAP
Operator: Jordan Aviation
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BOPKBoeing737-46B1989Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-BOPKNovair International Airways737-46B1989str Lsham?.3?.90
G-BOPKAir Europe737-46B1990wfu s23.03.91 Manchester. WAS due ret 12.95
N689MAMarkair737-46B1991ret AeL 19.06.92/lsd 20.10.92 again/C Power Inc r8.93 (still Mark)
EC-655Futura International Airlines737-46B1994sfc
EC-FYGFutura International Airlines737-46B1994arr Dub 3.10/sOst 17.10.95
SU-SAAAMC Airlines737-46B1995sPalma 29.05.96 retd
EC-309Futura International Airlines737-46B1996sAMC col,Fut tit/ret is 2.06.96
EC-GHFFutura International Airlines737-46B1996
SU-SABAMC Airlines737-46B1996due ret 9.04.97, arr Dub 16.3
EC-GNCFutura International Airlines737-46B1997
EI-CRCRyan International Airlines737-46B1998arr Dublin 25.10, rr 28.10.98, Trans Global titles, lsd via Aer Lingus for winter, depa 4.11.98 for USA, ret Dubl 27.04.99
EC-HCPFutura International Airlines737-46B1999fc
EI-CRCRyan International Airlines737-46B1999r17.12.99, s19.12.99 Dublin EI-rgd, depa 20.12.99 for USA white fus, Apple Vacations tit, due ret 4.00 Futura
EC-HMEFutura International Airlines737-46B2000frd to Palma Fut col, Apple tit 29.04.00, EI-reg canc 3.5, s7.05.00 old yellow col, s24.05.00 white fus, titles, old yellow tail col
PT-TDHTransbrasil737-46B2000reserved 23.11.00, del?
EI-CRCFutura International Airlines737-46B2001own Aer Lingus, sManchester opf Futura, ret Aer Lingus 15.12.01
EI-CRCRyan International Airlines737-46B2001sCleveland white fus blue tail Apple Vacations-tit 26.12.01, ret Aer Lingus 30.04.02
EC-IFNFutura International Airlines737-46B2002ret CITLC 30.04.03
TF-ELDIslandsflug737-46B2003sLGW fcs opf Ryanair 01.11.03
TF-ELDAir Atlanta Icelandic737-46B2005
TF-ELDBlue Line Holidays737-46B2005sCDG white-cs blue tail with tit td
N412CTCIT Leasing Co737-46B2005rgd td, frd-->SEN 14.01.06
SX-BGXAegean Airlines737-46B2006ret CITLC 01.09
JY-JAPJordan Aviation737-46B2009
JY-JAPBuraq Air737-46B2010DXB td white, titles/logos
JY-JAPFly Baghdad737-46B2016sMHD, fcs, optnl, SAW s14.10.16, AL ceased 21.12.16 but see below
JY-JAPJordan Aviation737-46B2016repo 02.17 to be used by virtual airline Air Shabelle, Oman based, for flights in/from Somalia
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
JY-JAP Buraq AirHESHgrahamepage
SX-BGX Aegean AirlinesLGKOWarthog1
EI-CRC Ryan International AirlinesKORDWarthog1
EC-FYG Futura International AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-FYG Futura International AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-FYG Futura International AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-FYG Futura International AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
EC-655 Futura International AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
EC-655 Futura International AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
EC-655 Futura International AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
G-BOPK Novair International AirwaysEGKKAyronautica
G-BOPK Novair International AirwaysEGPFAyronautica