Boeing 737 Classic [24212 / 1633]

Registration: PP-SFJ
Operator: VASP
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
CS-TIFBoeing737-3K91988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
CS-TIFAir Atlantis737-3K91988Bavaria own
CS-TIFTAP Air Portugal737-3K91993sHam7.5 TAP tit/full col s21.08.93/ret Bav 31.03.94
CS-TIFTEA Italy737-3K91994sLourdes white no tit,s1.07.93 small Port,Europ flag/ret 30.11.94 Bav
N945WPWestern Pacific Airlines737-3K91995sis inaugural end 4.95/FSBU r3.95/sEverett 15.11.97 no engs, s1.12, s18.12 with engs, ret is s25.01.98, wfu 2.98, N-reg canc 15.09.98
PP-SFJVASP737-3K91998BavF r26.01.98 already as PP?? (repo 2.99), FSB 29.08.98, own WFBN 21.04.01, csd ops unk loc 27.01.05, sGRU str fcs 19.03.05, BRA TA as PR-BRJ reported NTU 01.06, frd-->POA 12.07.06, s12.02.07, Kaliningrad Avia lse ntu, scr by 2010
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
CS-TIF TEA ItalyEGPFScottyBoy76
CS-TIF TAP Air PortugalEBBRWarthog1
CS-TIF Air AtlantisLPPTWarthog1
CS-TIF Air AtlantisLSZHAyronautica