Boeing 737 Classic [24255 / 1625]

Registration: 9H-BRE
Operator: Maleth Aero
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-MONLBoeing737-3Y01988Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-MONLMonarch Airlines737-3Y01988GPA
G-MONLEuroberlin737-3Y01988wfu 8.11.91 Luton, ret GPA 21.11.91
XA-RJPTAESA737-3Y01991sis 21.12,ret to BRU/European AL lsd OO-IID NTU 28.03.92, is seen with this reg 25.04.92
EI-CFQTEA Basel737-3Y01992
HB-IIDVietnam Airlines737-3Y01993rr11.5/wfu 28.02.94,
HB-IIDTEA Basel737-3Y01994is 26.3/arr Send 4.3 for repaint
HB-IIDPacific Airlines737-3Y01996Send 12-16.05.96 repaint,to Zur, wfu Pac 9.03.97
HB-IIDTEA Switzerland737-3Y01997s31.03.97 still Pacific col, wfu 27.04.97, ret GECAS 27.04.97, canc 7.05.97
SE-DUSTranswede737-3Y01997B&BAM 5.05.97, is 10.5, full Transw col, opf Blue Scandinavia
SE-DUSBraathens737-3Y01998repaint s15.8 basic col, s11.09.98 fc, wfu 28.11.99, avail. for charters pkd ARN, rgd Engaly Ltd 03.02.00 due ret 3.00, canc 31.05.00
G-OBWXBritish World Airlines737-3Y02000British World lsd 5.00 ntu, then repo Aeris, ntu?!, frd to Southend 12.5,
G-OBWXBritish World Airlines737-3Y02000ceased ops at STN 15.12.01, ret Engaly Ltd and frd-->Lasham 22.12.01, frd-->SEN 22.03.02
G-STRBAstraeus Airlines737-3Y02002rgd to SIS 27.03.02, sSEN still as G-OBWX 04.04.02
G-STRBIceland Express737-3Y02003sSTN fcs 11.05.03, opby Astraeus AL
G-STRBAstraeus Airlines737-3Y02004frd-->SEN for maint td, frd-->STN white-cs blue tail 22.11.04, sSHJ 29.11.04
G-STRBAirAsia737-3Y02004sis KUL white-cs blue tail red-tit td, ret Astraeus 05.05
G-STRBFlybe737-3Y02005sSZG fcs td
G-STRBAstraeus Airlines737-3Y02005frd-->TLV td (reported ret lessor to be conf)
N255CFLessor737-3Y02006N-reg canc to Belgium 24.05.06
OO-TNGTNT Airways737-3Y0(F)2006sPMI 23.08.06
OY-JTHJet Time737-3Y0(F)2011own CAT 7
OY-JTHTitan Airways737-3Y0(F)2013frd-->CPH ret JetTime 04.01.14
OY-JTHTNT Airways737-3Y0(F)2014arrSNN 14.05.14, r/o Mistral Air/Poste Italiana-cs 03.06.14
EI-CFQMistral Air737-3Y0(F)2014own CAT 7, Poste Italiana-cs, frd Naples-Lasham 27.11.16 lse return owned GECAS, EI-reg canc 14.12.16 to Guernsey
2-HAULEuropean Aviation737-3Y0(F)2017frd Lasham-BOH 20.01.17
9H-BREMaleth Aero737-3Y0(F)2018sBOH 25.04.18 white, rrgd, lsd and frd BOH-BOD
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
9H-BRE Maleth AeroEGPFFlyDroo
9H-BRE Maleth AeroEGHHWarthog1
9H-BRE Maleth AeroEGHHgrahamepage
2-HAUL European AviationEGHHcolinw
2-HAUL European AviationEGHHWarthog1
EI-CFQ Mistral AirOTT/OFFgrahamepage
G-STRB Iceland ExpressEGSSGreggy
G-STRB Iceland ExpressEGSSGreggy
G-STRB Iceland ExpressEGSSGreggy
G-OBWX British World AirlinesEGSSGreggy
G-OBWX British World AirlinesEGGWWarthog1
G-OBWX easyJetEGGWgrahamepage
G-OBWX British World AirlinesEGSSAyronautica
G-MONL EuroberlinEGGWAyronautica
G-MONL EuroberlinEGKKWarthog1