Boeing 737 Classic [24352 / 1705]

Registration: 9H-CES
Operator: Albawings
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Historic
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TF-FIABoeing737-4081989Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
TF-FIAIcelandair737-4081989ret Sunrock AC late 4.00
OO-RMVBIA Brussels International Airlines737-4082000arr BRU 4.05.00 fc, s24.05.00 Brussels Int fc, pkd s3.06.00, OO-rgd 29.06.00, is 1.07.00, ret Sunrock Aircraft 06.02.01
OO-RMVSobelair737-4082001ceased ops at OST 19.01.04
EC-IVRFutura International Airlines737-4082004sPalma Futura-bcs Sobelair rudder 17.04.04
PK-MDMMerpati Nusantara Airlines737-4082007(info about date welcome)
EC-KTMFutura International Airlines737-4082008arrPMI td, sORY opf Tunisair white-cs no tit 30.08.08, csd ops pkd PMI 08.09.08
EC-KTMHola Airlines737-4082009frdCAI-->PMI white-cs no tit td
EC-LAVRAM - Royal Air Maroc737-4082009sLGW opf Viking AL 27.06.09
EC-LAVFlyLAL Charters737-4082009
EC-LAVHola Airlines737-4082009csd ops LBG 15.02.10, frd-->PGN 04.06.10
EC-LAVAlba Star737-4082010white-cs with tit td, Naples local test flight 18.01.18
9H-CESAlbawings737-4082018Naples-Tirana 31.01.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-LAV Alba StarOTT/OFFAyronautica
EC-LAV Alba StarOTT/OFFJLRAviation
EC-LAV Alba StarOTT/OFFcolinw
EC-LAV Alba StarEGGWFlyDroo
EC-IVR Futura International AirlinesLEALgrahamepage
TF-FIA IcelandairEDDFAyronautica
TF-FIA IcelandairEGPFScottyBoy76
TF-FIA IcelandairEGPFScottyBoy76
TF-FIA IcelandairLFPOAyronautica
TF-FIA IcelandairEGPKAyronautica
00-00-0000 EC-LAV Alba StarEGBBdixieboy