Boeing 737 Classic [24435 / 1959]

Registration: EI-STI
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 4CA383
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3C1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VH-TJJBoeing737-4761990Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
VH-TJJAustralian Airlines737-4761990
VH-TJJQantas737-4761993wfu&frd-->AVV 05.11.05, JetConnect as ZK-JTP NTU, bis 24.03.06, wfuMEL 03.06.13, arrVCV 12.06.13
N938NZLessor737-476(F)2014frd-->DHN 14.10.14, F-cvtd, testflight 19.06.15, canc 04.08.15
EI-STIASL Airlines Ireland737-476(F)2015frd Dothan--DUB 07-08.08.15, repainted in DHL type white/yellow cs, ASL roof titles,'operated by Air Contractors' on the nose
HA-FAWASL Airlines Hungary737-476(F)2015frd SNN-BUD, s09.15 no DHL titles, s15.10.16 dual ASL/DHL cs, DHL titles
HA-FAWASL Airlines Ireland737-476(F)2019TLL-DGX pkd, DGX--LEJ 25-27.02.20 ris
EI-STIASL Airlines Ireland737-476(F)2021Partial DHL cs
EI-STILessor737-476(SF)2024Airwork. WFU and std GBA 09.05.2024. Being scrapped by 10.2024.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-STI LessorEGBPWarthog1
EI-STI LessorEGBPJLRAviation
HA-FAW ASL Airlines IrelandEGSSFlyDroo
HA-FAW ASL Airlines HungaryEGSSGreggy
VH-TJJ QantasKVCVFlyDroo
VH-TJJ QantasYSSYcolinw