Boeing 737 Classic [24463 / 1701]

Registration: N463FF
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A5A543
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3B2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1779BBoeing737-3Y01989Boeing production reg
EC-245Boeing737-3Y01989Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EC-245Hispania Airlines737-3Y01989GPA
EC-ENTHispania Airlines737-3Y01989
YV-99CAvensa737-3Y01989sPhoe 26.04.96 white,no tit
N955WPWestern Pacific Airlines737-3Y01996reg appl. 29.05.96,gold Sam's Town col, Sterling own 4.11.97, FSB to WP 4.11.97, N-reg canc 9.02.98
OY-SEESterling European Airlines737-3Y01998ret 3.12.97, sWichita 28.01.98 fc, arr Cop 30.01.98 still as N955WP, s31.1 as OY-, r13.02.98, is 19.02.98, s15.04.00 full Sterling col (ex Britannia AB lse),
OY-SEEBlue Panorama737-3Y0(F)2000Lsd from Sterling European Airlines
OY-SEESterling European Airlines737-3Y02000
TF-BBDBluebird Cargo737-3Y0(F)2000bt, sCPH 23.11.00 as TF-, basic blue Sterling col, to be F-conv Dothan AL, testflt BUD 20.03.18 and ret lessor
TF-BBDBluebird Nordic737-3Y0(F)2017
PP-YBDMTA de Carga-Modern Logistics737-3Y0(F)2018del Lasham--Foz de Iguacu 05.11.18, lse arranged by Skyworks. WFU and std LRD 29.12.2023
N463FFLessor737-3Y0(F)2024Frontera Flight Holdings. Due for Aeronaves TSM 2024, XA-.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TF-BBD Bluebird CargoEGPKAyronautica