Boeing 737 Classic [24681 / 1929]

Registration: EX-37005
Operator: Avia Traffic Company
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-BZMBoeing737-3Y01990Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EI-BZMPhilippine Airlines737-3Y01990GPA, own Dorm 4.07.94, sManila 28.03.99 white, PAL tit, ret GECAS 06.03.01
EI-BZMAir Philippines737-3Y02001frd-->Manile, ret GTS 22.12.03
PK-GHUGaruda Indonesia737-3Y02003
PK-GHUCitilink Indonesia737-3Y02004sSUB white-cs "Airlink"-tit on nose 21.05.04
N33341Lessor737-3Y02006arrAMS 12.11.06
HZ-DMOSAMA Airlines737-3Y02006frd-->JED fcs td, csd ops RKT 08.10, arrDUB ret WFBN 09.09.10
N554MSCAT737-3Y02010frd-->BOH 04.04.11, own TAG-->SACI 02.06.11, N-reg canc 14.06.11, s Avia Traffic-fcs 08.08.11, own TAG-->JMV 03.08.11, own Aerovista-->SACI 08.09.11, frd-->FRU 10.09.11
EX-37005Avia Traffic Company737-3Y0201122.11.15 Osh, Kyrgyzstan 0(X) engine and hydraulics damaged on first hard aborted landing, wanted to return to Bishkek but decided to land at Osh despite minimums, all gear collapsed in hard landing in bad visibility, ran over rough terrain, left hand engine separated
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