Boeing 737 Classic [24683 / 1901]

Registration: ZK-PAT
Operator: Airwork New Zealand
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HR-SHLBoeing737-4Y01990Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
HR-SHLSAHSA737-4Y01990GPA, ret 2.91
PP-SOHVASP737-4Y01991GPA ret 24.03.92
9M-MJRMalaysian Airline System737-4Y01992GPA ret13.4 .93
TC-AYAIstanbul Airlines737-4Y01993
TC-AYACarnival Air Lines737-4Y01994sMIA 23.11,hangar full Ist col,sis 29.11.94 Carn tit,due ret 5.95
TC-AYAIstanbul Airlines737-4Y01995
TC-AYAMyanmar National Airways737-4Y01996s27.01.97 BKK fc,due ret 4.97
TC-AYAIstanbul Airlines737-4Y01997ret AFL 10.07.00
N683GEAero USA737-4Y02000
PK-GWWGaruda Indonesia737-4Y02001for 5 years
N683GELessor737-4Y02003sCGK Orenair-fcs 15.03.06
VP-BGQOrenburg Airlines737-4Y02006wfu&arrROW 18.04.14
N837TMLessor737-4Y0(F)2014own Jetran LLC 30.12.14, frd-->SJO 09.01.15, Texas Aviation Group LLC 17.04.15, r01.05.15, frd SJO--Dothan 27-28.09.15 for F-conversion, PP-YBB Modern T.A. due 2015 ntu, still sDHN 01.07.16 white, BoU r11.07.16, frd DHN-Ontario 11.07.16 after F-conv, frd Ont--AKL 15-16.07.16, N-reg canc 18.07.16
ZK-PATAirwork New Zealand737-4Y0(F)2016fis 19.08.16
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEDDFAyronautica
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEGKKWarthog1
TC-AYA Istanbul AirlinesEGCCAyronautica