Boeing 737 Classic [24911 / 2033]

Registration: PK-LIQ
Operator: Withdrawn from use
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Type: Withdrawn
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-SOJBoeing737-4Y01991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PP-SOJVASP737-4Y01991GPA, TC-AGA Istanbul NTU
PT-WBJLessor737-4Y01992wfu sEverett 11.02.93 (TRAMCO)
OY-MBKMaersk Air737-4Y01993sCOP 1.4 VASP col,Mae tit,ret GPA 2.12.93
EI-CIXMarkair737-4Y01993ret GPA 14.03.95,canc 20.3
SE-DTBNordic East Airways737-4Y01995is24.3
SE-DTBLTU Sud737-4Y01995s hybrid col Stutt is
SE-DTBNordic East Airways737-4Y01995
SE-DTBNordic European Airlines737-4Y01996repaint Lut 15-18.10.96
SE-DTBDeutsche BA737-4Y01997sMunich white, tit
SE-DTBNordic European Airlines737-4Y01997ret GECAS 21.11.97, frd to Dublin 31.11.97 temp str, EMA 31.01.98 white, s20.2 no engs, canc 8.06.98
OK-TVSTravel Service Airlines737-4Y01998ro EMA 26.05.98 blue tail, s4.06.98 titles/logo, airtest 5.06.98, Prague 9.06.98
HA-LKAJordan Aviation737-4Y02001slsd with dual tit
HA-LKATravel Service Hungary737-4Y02001
HA-LKATravel Service Hungary737-4Y02002sCDG fcs 02.05.02
OK-TVSTravel Service Airlines737-4Y02004ret GECAS 07.05
PK-LIQLion Air737-4Y02005frd-->CAI td, substantial dam when nosegaer collapsed after running off runway whilst taxiing Pontianak-Supaido (PNK), Indonesia 0(174) 02.11.10, perhaps WO, otherwise wfs by 2013
PK-LIQWithdrawn from use737-4Y02010
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