Boeing 737 Classic [24917 / 2071]

Registration: HA-KAD
Operator: ASL Airlines Hungary
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TC-JDFBoeing737-4Y01991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
TC-JDFTHY Turkish Airlines737-4Y01991GPA
HS-DDLNok Air737-4Y02007frd-->DMK ret GPA 08.08.08, lsd again now with "CP Foods"-tit 06.04.09, own AAIL 26.04.13
N284ALLessor737-4Y02013N-reg canc exported South Africa 30.07.13
EI-JRDAir Contractors737-4Y02014
N284ALLessor737-4Y0(F)2016bt ex ASL Aircraft Investment, presum F-cvtd, frd MIA-Dothan 10.11.16, frd to Miami 22.11.16, canc 01.12.16
HA-KADASL Airlines Hungary737-4Y0(F)2016frd MIA--SNN 01-02.12.16, LGG 12.12.16, BUD-LGG 15.01.17 tfd to ASL AL Belgium, fis 16.01.17 white, ASL billboard titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HA-KAD ASL Airlines HungaryOTT/OFFgrahamepage
HA-KAD ASL Airlines HungaryLFSBFlyDroo
EI-JRD RyanairOTT/OFFcolinw
HS-DDL Nok AirVTSPGreggy
TC-JDF THY Turkish AirlinesEKCHWarthog1