Boeing 737 Classic [25011 / 2012]

Registration: A6-ESS
Operator: Eastern Skyjets
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-SOFBoeing737-33A1991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
PP-SOFVASP737-33A1991repo 17.11.92
N227AWLessor737-33A1992s as such 24.12.92
OO-LTOEBA - EuroBelgian Airlines737-33A1992s12.12?! latere melding 29.12.92
OO-LTOMaersk Air737-33A1993is Cop-Billund 20.1/Eurobelgian ret 27.03.93, is 31.3-4.4!
OO-LTOEBA France737-33A1993EBA-Belg ret 11.10.93,to Teesside 13.10.93
VH-OANOman Aviation737-33A1993s1.11.93 reg,to AWAS 29.10.93,ret 3.04.95,frd Kuala-BRU 23-24.4,canc 25.4
OO-LTOEBA Belgium737-33A1995is 27.4
F-GRSAStar Europe737-33A1995fc,is 21.12.95, ret Virgin 16.10.96
F-GRSAAir Provence Charter737-33A1996to Bru white,to CDG 19.10.96 slsd Air Provence Charter,Virgin tail,Prov tit / AWAS ret 3.97, arr Send 14.04.97, ro 17.4 white, to Dublin ret less, canc 25.04.97, s27.4 full Cronus col
SX-BBTCronus Airlines737-33A1997sAthens Aeagean cs and Cronus and Aegean tit 04.05.01
SX-BBTAegean Cronus Airlines737-33A2001
SX-BBTAegean Airlines737-33A2003sDUS Cronus-tit removed td, ret GECAS & frd-->DUB 18.03.05, s Flybe-fcs 25.04.05
G-STRIFlyBe737-33A2005lsd to Astraeus, sSEN Flybe-bcs no tit 17.11.06, Astraeus ret 12.06
G-STRIFly Me Sweden737-33A2006arrGOT td, csd ops at QLA ret Astraeus AL 02.03.07
G-STRISterling European Airlines737-33A2007sPMI FlyBe-bcs no tit opf Sterling 20.05.07
OM-HLBSeagle Air737-33A2008
OM-HLBIraqi Airways737-33A2008
OM-HLBSeagle Air737-33A2009csd ops unk loc 22.10.09, frd-->BOH 04.11.09
G-STRIAstraeus Airlines737-33A2009
G-STRITrawelFly737-33A2010ret Astraeus 05.11
G-STRIIceland Express737-33A2011wfs & frd-->SOF when Astraeus csd ops 21.11.11, own AWAS (UK) Leasing Four 22.12.11, G-reg canc to United Arab Emirates 25.04.12
A6-ESSEastern Skyjets737-33A2012presum wfs by 2014
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-STRI TrawelFlyLIMCRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-STRI TrawelFlyLIMERJflyerPhoto Taken
G-STRI TrawelFlyLICRRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-STRI TrawelFlyHESHRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-STRI FlyBeLEALgrahamepage
SX-BBT Cronus AirlinesEDDLGreggy
SX-BBT Cronus AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
SX-BBT Cronus AirlinesEGLLAyronautica
OO-LTO EBA FranceLFPGAyronautica