Boeing 737 Classic [25016 / 2004]

Registration: N516WA
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-XTGBoeing737-3M81991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
OO-XTGTEA - Trans European Airways737-3M81991frd 13.3-14.3 own Citylease
OO-LTGTEA - Trans European Airways737-3M81991
OO-LTGTEA Basel737-3M81991wfu 27.11.91 Zurich,ret Cit sDub 22.03.92
HB-IICTEA Basel737-3M81992GPA rgd 3.04.92
HB-IICVietnam Airlines737-3M81992joint Singap op/ret by 96,sold ToA,PCC 18.12.96, wfu 24.02.97, ret PeC 26.02.97, reg canc
ZK-FDMFreedom Air International737-3M81997frd to Dublin 27.02.97 for maint, arr Chrsch 10.03.97, is 5.04.97, due ret 3.02/ KhL own by 6.97
ZK-FDMAir New Zealand737-3M82005wfu&frd-->CHC 25.10.05
ZK-FDMAirwork New Zealand737-3M82006own AWHL, arrJED 07.09.06
HZ-BBKSAMA Airlines737-3M82006ZK-reg canc td, own EWL, lsd to Al Wishkam Ltd, frd-->STN for maint td, arrJed fcs after paint in AMS 01.12.06, csd ops RKT 08.10, arrBOH ret EWL 11.09.10
N516WALessor737-3M82010s29.04.14, N-reg canc wfu 25.11.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N516WA LessorEGHHcolinw
N516WA LessorEGHHgrahamepage
OO-LTG TEA BaselLSZHWarthog1