Boeing 737 Classic [25041 / 2024]

Registration: CP-2552
Operator: Boliviana de Aviacion
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-LTLBoeing737-3M81991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
OO-LTLTEA - Trans European Airways737-3M81991own AI IV,frd Ev-Bru 13.4 wfu 12.05.91
OO-LTLAir Aruba737-3M81991via Everett, f/c 20.5, to Arbua
OO-LTLEBA - EuroBelgian Airlines737-3M81992is 3.04.92
OO-LTLEBA Italy737-3M81993
OO-LTLEBA - EuroBelgian Airlines737-3M81995own ToA 1.11.95
OO-LTLVirgin Express737-3M81996wfu 28.06.99, canc 29.06.99
EI-TVPVirgin Express Ireland737-3M81999InA 9.12.99, still VEI
OO-LTLVirgin Express737-3M82001wfu BRU 27.12.02, ret InA 15.01.03
TF-ELCFlyGlobespan737-3M82003own ACL, lsd to Islandsflug, frd-->SEN white-cs 25.03.03, ret InA 11.04, sSNN DBA-fcs 07.12.04
D-ADIJAir Berlin737-3M82007arrCGN fcs td, frd-->PAD & str 31.10.08, frd-->MUC Boliviana de Aviacion-cs 02.11.09
CP-2552Boliviana de Aviacion737-3M82009wfs 14.05.18, frd CCB--SGT 28-29.05.18 pwfu
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ADIJ Air BerlinEGSSGreggy
TF-ELC FlyGlobespanEGPKAyronautica
TF-ELC FlyGlobespanEGPKAyronautica
OO-LTL Virgin ExpressEGLLAyronautica
OO-LTL Virgin ExpressEGLLWarthog1
OO-LTL Virgin ExpressEGKKLGW_Harris
OO-LTL Virgin ExpressEGLLWarthog1
OO-LTL EBA - EuroBelgian AirlinesEIDWWarthog1
OO-LTL EBA ItalyEGPFScottyBoy76
OO-LTL EBA - EuroBelgian AirlinesEBBRWarthog1