Boeing 737 Classic [25052 / 2036]

Registration: N250FF
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A56937
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3B2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-BXIBoeing737-4481991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
EI-BXIAer Lingus737-4481991i.s. 1.05.91
EI-BXIRyan International Airlines737-4481999s4.11.99 Trans Global tit Dublin, sis MSP 15.11, due ret 30.04.00
EI-BXIAer Lingus737-4482000
EI-BXIRyan International Airlines737-4482000due ret 5.01.01
EI-BXIAer Lingus737-4482001
EI-BXIRyan International Airlines737-4482001Lingus bcs Apple Vacations-tit,
EI-BXIAer Lingus737-4482003own ILFC 14.01.04, wfu&frd-->SEN for paint 04.04.05, r/o & frd-->DUB Aerosvit AL-fcs for C-check 13.04.05
UR-VVLAerosvit Airlines737-4482005wfu&arrGYR 03.11.12
N161LFCastle 2013737-4482012own KP Aircraft 25052 24.01.13
N448KAKP Aircraft LLC737-448(F)2013re-rgd, frd-->DHN to be F-cvtd 17.05.13, F-cvtd&frd-->CPH 06.10.13
OY-JTIJet Time737-448(F)2013Wilmington Trust SP Svc r17.10.16 opb JetTime, repaint white and frd EMA-Lasham 20.05.17, s04.08.17, canc 11.08.17
EI-STKASL Airlines Ireland737-448(F)2017fis 25.08.17 ex LGG. WFU and std SOF 19.04.2023. Std CGN 09.11.2023. Std LRD 10.02.2024
N250FFLessor737-448(F)2024Frontera Flight Holdings. Due for Aeronaves TSM, XA-.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-STK ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFRJflyer
EI-STK ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFRJflyer
EI-STK ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFRJflyer
UR-VVL Aerosvit AirlinesEGKKgrahamepage
EI-BXI Aer LingusEHAMGreggy
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLGreggy
EI-BXI Aer LingusEIDWAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEIDWAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAV8 Photos
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLScottyBoy76
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLScottyBoy76
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLScottyBoy76
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLWarthog1
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica
EI-BXI Aer LingusEGLLAyronautica