Boeing 737 Classic [25063 / 2032]

Registration: F-GZTI
Operator: ASL Airlines France
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TF-FIDBoeing737-4081991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
TF-FIDIcelandair737-4081991BouAS 3.99, ret BouAS 5.02
SX-BGRAegean Cronus Airlines737-4082002TF-reg canc 12.06.02
SX-BGRAegean Airlines737-4082002sCDG without Cronus-tit td, own ACG 11.05.05, frd-->NWI for paint & ret ACG 13.04.09, sATH white-cs 03.09.09, frd-->KEF 19.09.09
N563ACLessor737-408(F)2009sVCV 15.10.09, frd-->MIA 09.07.10, own ACGC 26.07.10, F-cvtd and airtested 28.10.10
PR-LGRVARIG Logistica737-408(F)2010csd ops REC 01.02.13, frd-->MIA 02.03.12
N563ACLessor737-408(F)2012arrQLA 16.05.12, own ACGC 21.05.12, frd-->SEN 31.07.12
F-GZTIEurope Air Post737-408(F)2012arrCDG td
F-GZTIASL Airlines France737-408(F)2015
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
F-GZTI ASL Airlines FranceEGCCSteve OBE
F-GZTI ASL Airlines FranceLFMNEGLL Spotter
F-GZTI ASL Airlines FranceEGBBdixieboy
F-GZTI ASL Airlines FranceOTT/OFFcolinw
F-GZTI Europe Air PostLFPGWarthog1
F-GZTI Europe Air PostLPPTFlyDroo
TF-FID IcelandairEGLLAyronautica
TF-FID IcelandairEGPFScottyBoy76
TF-FID IcelandairEGPFScottyBoy76
TF-FID IcelandairEGPFScottyBoy76
TF-FID IcelandairEGLLScottyBoy76
TF-FID IcelandairEGLLScottyBoy76
TF-FID IcelandairEGLLAyronautica
TF-FID IcelandairEGLLWarthog1