Boeing 737 Classic [25116 / 2061]

Registration: ZS-OAF
Operator: FlySafair
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N4249RBoeing737-4S31991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
N4249RBoullion Aviation Services737-4S31991str G-BSRA AE ntu,ILFC/AOF,FSBU 6.91
9M-MLFMalaysian Airline System737-4S31991ret FSBU 13.01.93
OO-LTREBA - EuroBelgian Airlines737-4S31993r18.1,is 30.1,wfu 15.10.95,Bru 16.10.95, ret BouAS 21.10.95,repaint...
EC-997Futura International Airlines737-4S31995arr BRU 29.10.95,nw reg taped over
EC-GFEFutura International Airlines737-4S31996sfc, own KM Association 31.07.96
EI-CNERyan International Airlines737-4S31996s26.01.97 Las Vegas basic col, Trans Global tit
EC-GOAFutura International Airlines737-4S31997frd Clevel--Palma 28-30.4, sis 3.5, s1.06.97 still basic Fut col, Tr Globe/Ryan tit-logo, s17.08.97 basic Fut no tit, own KM Ass 31.07.96
EI-CNERyan International Airlines737-4S31997frd Palma-Dubl 27.10, Aer Lingur s28.10, green TrGlobal tit basic Futura col, ret AeL arr Dublin 29.04.98
EC-GUGFutura International Airlines737-4S31998sDub EC-rgd, is 1.5, fc 13.06.98, ret KM Association 04.07.04
PP-VTLVARIG737-4S32004sPGF fcs td
PP-VTLVRG Linhas Aereas737-4S32006
ZS-OAFComair737-4S32007sGIG still Varig-cs td
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-GFE Futura International AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
EC-997 Futura International AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76
OO-LTR EBA - EuroBelgian AirlinesEGKKScottyBoy76