Boeing 737 Classic [25249 / 2145]

Registration: ZS-PKU
Operator: Africa Charter Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OO-SYGBoeing737-5291991Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
OO-SYGSabena737-5291991own DSF,Sab 7.06.96, str BRU white no tit 28.09.01 TT 20864 hrs 17712 cyc
N249JWLessor737-5292001dep BRU to USA 19.12.01, sROW str 02.02.03, own FCC 16.07.03, s white-cs eng removed 08.04, arr-->BGI 01.04.05, sHLA inside hangar Nationwide-fcs 20.06.05
ZS-PKUNationwide Airlines737-5292005N-reg canc td, csd ops unk loc 30.11.07, ret FCC 07.08
Z3-AAHMAT - Macedonian Airlines737-5292008
N249MHLessor737-5292009N-reg canc to Macedonia again for MAT AW DOO 10.12.09
Z3-AAMMAT Airways737-5292010wfs Skopje 11.08.11
ZS-PKUAfrica Charter Airlines737-5292018photo exists by 11.18 with Kon Tiki Sky titles, dirty (still in Skopje?), frd Skopje--Luanda 17.11.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCGreggy
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEGCCAV8 Photos
OO-SYG SabenaEDDFAyronautica
OO-SYG SabenaLFPGAyronautica
OO-SYG SabenaEBBRWarthog1