Boeing 737 Classic [25429 / 2215]

Registration: G-NPTX
Operator: West Atlantic UK
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
LX-LGFBoeing737-4C91992Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
LX-LGFSobelair737-4C91995is 22.12/due ret 12.98, wfu 28.02.99, retd, sBru 3.03.99 full Sobelair col
LX-LGFBlue Panorama737-4C92004
EI-DGNBlue Panorama737-4C92004own LALO
EI-DGNBluExpress737-4C92005sFCO Blue Pan-cs Blu-Express-tit& logo td
YR-BADBlue Air737-4C92006EI-reg canc td, wfu&arrARN ret LALO 05.10.10
SE-RIDEnter Air737-4C92010arr NWI 12.12.10, repaint fc, frd-->ARN 22.12.10
SP-ENFEnter Air737-4C92011own Volito Avtn, marketed by Vx Capital Partners through since 07.12.16 as available for Lease in 07.17
N470VXV70E-734 LLC737-4C9(F)2016sCVT 16.12.16, s30.01.17 still marked SP-ENF, frd CVT--VQQ 07-08.03.17 for F-conversion, F-cvtd, frd VQQ--EMA 19-20.06.18, canc 25.06.18
G-NPTXWest Atlantic UK737-4C9(F)2018
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGPHFlyDroo
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGPHAyronautica
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGPKAyronautica
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKOTT/OFFcolinw
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGNXEmirates101
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGNXEmirates101
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKEGPHFlyDroo
G-NPTX West Atlantic UKOTT/OFFgrahamepage
SP-ENF Enter AirLPFRFlyDroo
SP-ENF Enter AirHESHgrahamepage
SP-ENF Enter AirLGRPWarthog1
LX-LGF LuxairELLXGreggy
LX-LGF LuxairEGLLAyronautica
LX-LGF LuxairEGLLScottyBoy76
LX-LGF LuxairEGLLScottyBoy76
LX-LGF LuxairEGLLAyronautica