Boeing 737 Classic [25858 / 2522]

Registration: N734CK
Operator: Kalitta Charters II
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BVBZBoeing737-4361993Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
G-BVBZBritish Airways737-4361993Mojave for strage/G-DOCZ NTU,r4.94 NTU again
EC-657Air Europa737-4361994frd to Glasg 22.04.94/due ret 9.94
EC-FXJAir Europa737-4361994
G-DOCZBritish Airways737-4361994repaint 17-12-3.01.95 Bournemouth,is 1.02.95, painted Union Flag cs 07.02.02, wfu LGW 30.04.04, sHAJ bis 10.09.04, wfu&arrVCV 18.12.14, s11.05.15, canc 01.10.15 to Automatic, N
N858ATClassic 400 Holdings LLC737-4362015r07.10.15, frd VCV-MIA 19.08.17
N734CKKalitta Charters II737-436(F)2017F-cvtd and frd MIA-Oscada 05.01.18, rr res 19.07.18, rr 31.08.18, s11.18 dual Kalitta/DHL cs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N734CK Kalitta Charters IIKCVGgrahamepage
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKGreggy
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKGreggy
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKcolinw
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKGreggy
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKRJflyerPhoto Taken
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKJLRAviation
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKGreggy
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKAyronautica
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGCCWarthog1
G-DOCZ British AirwaysEGKKScottyBoy76
00-00-0000 G-DOCZ British AirwaysOTT/OFFdixieboy