Boeing 737 Classic [26081 / 2442]

Registration: 5N-JRT
Operator: Allied Air
HEX Code:
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Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABAFBoeing737-4Y01993Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
D-ABAFAir Berlin737-4Y01993GPA
TC-AFUPegasus Airlines737-4Y01996s29.3 HAM white
D-ABAFAir Berlin737-4Y01997sSXF 15.11.97 basic Peg, Air Berl tit as D, s23.11.97 as TC, is 23.12.97 as TC, r12.97 AiF D-ABAF, lsd to Air Berlin, ret is 21.02.98 basic Peg col, ApF/Air Berlin reg canc 4.98
TC-AFUPegasus Airlines737-4Y01998s13.05.00 opf Air Algerie white, Pega tail, Pegasus fc s10.08.00 DUS, ret less, Dublin 6.11.00, ro Philippine fc 19.12.00, Dublin 19.12.00
EI-CVPPhilippine Airlines737-4Y02001AHL EI-rgd 22.12.00, pkd Dublin in full Philippine AL cs 04.01.01, rgd to AFL 26.01.01, ret AFL 02.06
UR-GARUkraine International Airlines737-4Y02006sAMS fcs 04.03.06, wfu&arrSEN ret AFL 17.10.10, sNok Air-fcs 23.11.10
HS-DDONok Air737-4Y02010SEN-->DXB 22.12.10
N291CSLessor737-4Y02012arr MZJ 09.12.12, own ACL 07.03.13, own WFBN 08.03.13, own Allied Air-->WFBN 09.05.13, frd-->VQQ to be F-cvtd 24.05.13
N291CSAllied Air737-4Y0(F)2013F-cvtd 28.03.14
5N-JRTAllied Air737-4Y0(F)2014re-rgd
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TC-AFU Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos