Boeing 737 Classic [26306 / 2653]

Registration: LZ-CGS
Operator: CargoAir
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TC-AFABoeing737-4Q81994Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81994ILFC
TC-AFACanair Cargo737-4Q81994
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81995
TC-AFACarnival Air Lines737-4Q81995red tit,yellow tail
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81996
TC-AFACarnival Air Lines737-4Q81996white fus, s Ft Laud 24.11.96
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81997
TC-AFAMalaysian Airline System737-4Q81997sDul tit/tail, due ret 4.98
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81998IST white, tit, id 9.98
TC-AFAWinair737-4Q81998sDubl 2.11.98 Pegasus col, sDubl 6.11.98 white, Winair tit, due ret 4.99
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q81999white, tit/ arr 29.11.99 Brisbane, white fus, Pegasus tail, K2000 titles, sAuckland 1.01.00, sBrisb 5.01.00, ret Pegasus, s15.01.00 same col, is, fc s3.04.00, s6.05.00 Muscat red Oman Air tit, sNuremberg 12.06.00 white, Peg. tail, fc 10.08.00
TC-AFAOman Air737-4Q82002sDubai Pegasus cs Oman Air tit td
TC-AFAPegasus Airlines737-4Q82002sHAM td, frd-->DUB ret ILFC & pkd 13.01.03, sAir Polonia-fcs 04.03
SP-KPKAir Polonia737-4Q82003csd ops at WAW 05.12.04, frd-->SXF ret Castle 2003-1A LLC 10.12.04
N411LFCastle 2005737-4Q82004frd--MST Polonia-cs 08.02.05
4L-TGTGeorgian Airways737-4Q82005r/o fncs 13.02.05
YR-BANBlue Air737-4Q82012arrSNN ret ILFC 01.04.13
EI-FBSCastle 2006737-4Q82013arrGYR15.05.13
N831AVCastle 2007737-4Q8(F)2013own BoU 07.08.13, frd-->MIA 08.08.13, F-cvtd 11.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LZ-CGS CargoAirOTT/OFFcolinw
YR-BAN Blue AirLROPcolinw
4L-TGT Georgian AirwaysEDDFGreggy
SP-KPK Air PoloniaEGSSWarthog1
TC-AFA Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-AFA Carnival Air LinesEGPFScottyBoy76
TC-AFA Pegasus AirlinesEGPFScottyBoy76