N733UK/N733UK Sierra American Corp Boeing 737 Classic Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Warthog1

Boeing 737 Classic [26307 / 2664]

Registration: N733UK
Operator: Sierra American Corp
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HB-IIEBoeing737-3Q81994Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
HB-IIETEA Basel737-3Q81994rr21.11,arr BSL 25.11,is 26.11/ETOPS-status 6.95
HB-IIEAir Afrique737-3Q81997arr Send 28.09.97, repaint and ret Zur 1.10, is 6.10.97, due ret 10.99 but wfu & ret ILFC8.10.98, ret Zurich 9.11.98
HB-IIEeasyJet737-3Q81998arr Send 10.10.98 Afrique col, repeint, Luton 13.10.98, is 14.10.98, sis fc 3.05.00
G-EZYTeasyJet737-3Q82000ret is LUT 29.6, still Swiss flag s27.07.00, wfu&frd-->QLA for maint 17.04.05, frd-->SEN for paint 20.05.05, ret ILFC 06.05
G-TOYDbmi Baby737-3Q82005lsd to bmi British Midland, csd ops BMH 09.09.12, frd-->NWI 10.09.12, own TAG 04.11.14
N733UKSierra American Corp737-3Q82014frd NWI-BOH 10.03.15, TAG Aviation (Stansted) 01.07.15, European Avtn Ltd 17.07.15, Southern Aircraft Consultancy 17.07.15,r18.08.15, sBOH 05.12.15 now marked N733UK, s20.12.16, trucked 03.06.20 BOH-SOU Harbour for shipping to Shanghai
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N733UK Sierra American CorpEGHHcolinw
N733UK Sierra American CorpEGHHWarthog1
G-TOYD bmi BabyEGSSWarthog1Photo Taken
G-TOYD bmi BabyOTT/OFFcolinw
G-TOYD bmi BabyOTT/OFFAyronautica
G-TOYD bmi BabyLEALgrahamepage
G-EZYT easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYT easyJetEGGWAyronautica
G-EZYT easyJetEGGWAyronautica
G-EZYT easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYT easyJetEGSSGreggy
G-EZYT easyJetEGGWAyronautica
G-EZYT easyJetEGGWgrahamepage
G-EZYT easyJetEGGWWarthog1
HB-IIE easyJetEGGWAyronautica