Boeing 737 Classic [27074 / 2281]

Registration: I-BPAC
Operator: Blue Panorama
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AHLSBoeing737-4K51992Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
D-AHLSHapag Lloyd737-4K51992D-AHLG NTU,r 43.Bet KG
EI-CUNBlue Panorama737-4K51999s25.06.99 fc, rr 13.04.00, sLourdes 12.05.00, ret from Cubana slsd 03.01, sFrankfurt fc opf Libyan Arab 23.03.01
EI-CUNAfriqiyah Airways737-4K52001sMalta opf Libyan Arab AL 18.02.02
EI-CUNBlue Panorama737-4K52002ncs, sATH with "Juventus"-stickers 30.09.03, own AIL 06.07.06, sTLV 14.01.11 Blu-express cs
EI-CUNBluExpress737-4K52011sTLV fcs td
I-BPACBlue Panorama737-4K52014frd FCO--HAV 17-18.12.16 on wetlse to Cubana, sHAV 06.02.17, frd HAV--FCO 07-08.04.17, Cubana slse 24.01.18-18.05.18, frd HAV--FCO 29-30.05.18, ris 31.05.18, wfs 01.12.18, slsd to Cubana frd FCO--HAV 12-13.12.18 for winter, frd HAV--FCO 13-14.05.19 ret
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-CUN BluExpressLGRPWarthog1
EI-CUN Blue PanoramaLGRPWarthog1
D-AHLS Hapag LloydEDDFWarthog1