Boeing 737 Classic [27673 / 2852]

Registration: N471VX
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: A5C6C2
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3C1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
9M-MQNBoeing737-4H61997Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
9M-MQNMalaysian Airline System737-4H61997
9H-ADKAir Malta737-4H61998fc s1.03.98
9M-MQNMalaysian Airline System737-4H61998
9H-ADKAir Malta737-4H61999
9M-MQNMalaysian Airline System737-4H61999sSZB local testflight white-cs 08.07.13
HS-NGBNewGen Airways737-4H62014Sabaidee AW d/b/a, in these fcs
N471VXVX Capital Partners737-4H62018UMB Bank r17.01.19
D-ACLOCargoLogic Germany737-4H6(F)2019reg res 12.09.18, YLW--LEJ 09-11.05.19. WFU and std KTW 11.03.2022. Std BUD 14.09.2022. Std MPL 20.02.2023. Std LAL 13.07.2023
N471VXLessor737-4H6(F)2023Vx Capital Partners. Ferried LAL-GYR and std 12.12.2023. G-NPTJ (West Atlantic) ntu. Std BCM 29.09.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ACLO CargoLogic GermanyEGNXFlyDroo
D-ACLO CargoLogic GermanyOTT/OFFgrahamepage
HS-NGB NewGen AirwaysVTBDJLRAviation
9H-ADK Air MaltaEGCCAV8 Photos
9H-ADK Air MaltaEGCCAV8 Photos