EX-37020/EX37020 Avia Traffic Company Boeing 737 Classic Airframe Information - AVSpotters.com
© Ayronautica

Boeing 737 Classic [27833 / 2688]

Registration: EX-37020
Operator: Avia Traffic Company
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-MARBoeing737-3L91995Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
OY-MARMaersk Air737-3L91995r10.2
D-ADBJDeutsche BA737-3L91996ro 1.12 fc Teesside/r FSDS 11.96/SBI 29.09.97,Sanwa 29.09.97
OY-MARMaersk Air737-3L91998r23.1, sCop 25.01.98 BA interim col,sEindh 3.03.98
G-OGBDGB Airways737-3L91998own SBB, Ndebele Martha nc 14.03.98, own OAS 1.99, wfu & frd-->EMA 01.12.03, frd-->LGW& bis 09.12.03, wfu & frd-->EMA ret EAS 05.01.04
G-OGBDbmi Baby737-3L92004own British Midland, sis 21.05.11 Ski Jumper tail cs, csd ops EMA 09.09.12, frd-->QLA 10.09.12, frd-->Kemble 14.02.13, G-reg canc 17.06.13, own ANI 11.09.13
N4973SSierra American Corp737-3L92013s17.09.13
N4973SXpressAir737-3L92014SACI, Aero North Int Ltd 12.06.15, canc 18.06.15 to PK- (still/again to Xpressair), but SACI N-rgd 10.07.15, frd SZB-Ras al Khaimah 15.08.15, frd Ras al Kh--BOH 29.09.15, s05.12.15 still BMI bcs, trustee rgd 23.02.16
G-MISGCello Aviation737-3L92016Cello Avtn fcs, frd BOH-BHX 22.06.16, fis 28.06.16, wfs 10.10.18 operating for Hop! (Cello ceased), frd Strassbourg--St Athan 11-12.10.18 ret lessor, GMIS Ltd r13.11.18, canc 08.04.19 to USA
N380AATVPX Trust Services737-3L92019frd St Athan-ADJ 05.05.19
EX-37020Avia Traffic Company737-3L92019
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-MISG Cello AviationEGBBEGLL Spotter
G-MISG Cello AviationEGPKAyronautica
N4973S Sierra American CorpEGBPgrahamepage
G-OGBD bmi BabyOTT/OFFcolinw
G-OGBD bmi BabyEGCCAyronauticaPhoto Taken
G-OGBD GB AirwaysEGLLWarthog1
G-OGBD GB AirwaysEGKKGreggy
OY-MAR Maersk AirEGKKWarthog1