Boeing 737 Classic [28873 / 2975]

Registration: LY-EWE
Operator: GetJet Airlines
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N1767BBoeing737-33R1997Boeing production reg
ZK-NGABoeing737-33R1997Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
ZK-NGAAir New Zealand737-33R1998Western Pacific N967WP NTU, s12.97 tail-col, str, arr Christch 11.02.98, last svc CHC 12.09.04
ZK-NGAFreedom Air International737-33R2004ANZ-cs, sAKL still is (not ret ANZ) 09.05.05
ZK-NGAAir New Zealand737-33R2005sisWLG freedom-cs 19.06.05, ret GECAS at CHC white-cs 22.02.06
ES-ABJEstonian Air737-33R2006s01.01.11 special Tallinn European Capital of Culture 2011 cs, wfu&arr TLL white-cs 21.01.12
UR-KRAAir Onix737-33R2012arrBBU ret GECAS 29.01.14
M-ABGTGRAF 1 WSA Ltd737-33R2014
4L-AJCVista Georgia737-33R2014
4L-AJCKam Air737-33R2014
SX-BDUHermes Airlines737-33R2015sCAI maintenance area, Aerovista cs, frd to Sitia Greece 25.05.15, slsd to Daallo AL 07.06.15, ret Hemes ATH 18.06.15, frd ATH-BBU 23.03.16, Express AW (OM) to restart 04.16 with this aircraft, but ntu (low demand, AOC of airline suspended), remained pkd Bucharest BBU, repo 04.16 and 06.16 to be available for ACMI 06.16, s28.07.16 hangar white, Express AW titles
YR-SUAFly 365 Aviation737-33R2016local testflight BBU 31.08.16, available 11.16 for ACMI lease via
YR-SUAIran Air Tours737-33R2017Craiova-THR
YR-CBECobrex Trans737-33R2017frd THR--Craiova
LY-EWEGetJet Airlines737-33R2017not 25216, see there, VNO-DRS 01.05.18 slsd to Germania, wfs 31.05.18, ret to AAL 01.06.18, opf Jet Time, then lsd to Tunis Air frd AAL-Djerba 03.06.18, fis 05.06.18, wfs 17.09.18, ret to VNO 18.09.18, frd to Pristina 05.10.18 opf Zimex
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