Boeing 737 Classic [29107 / 2997]

Registration: EP-
Operator: Sepehran Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TC-APDBoeing737-42R1998Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
TC-APDPegasus Airlines737-42R1998Winair lsd 9.98 repo, pres. ntu
TC-APDShaheen Air International737-42R1998full Peg col
TC-APDOman Air737-42R1999is 17.2, small add Oman tit, Peg logo painted out by 1.03.99, Oman wfu 4.04.99
TC-APDPegasus Airlines737-42R1999titl applied
TC-APDKhalifa Airways737-42R1999s fc 25.06.99 HAM, sis 14.07.99 due ret 7.00, del IST-Algiers
TC-APDPegasus Airlines737-42R2003s with tit td
TC-APDAtlasjet International Airways737-42R2004sSTR fcs td
TC-APDPegasus Airlines737-42R2005sHAM Pegasus-cs no taillogo 05.03.05
TC-APDAir Algerie737-42R2006sCDG small tit td
TC-APDPegasus Airlines737-42R2007fcs, sMUC "Beko"-fuselage cs 31.03.09, sDUS norma-cs 05.01.11
EX-37402Air Manas737-42R2014
EX-37402Air Manas737-42R2015
EP-Sepehran Airlines737-42R2020frd MSQ--ZAH 02-07.04.20 white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesLTFEWarthog1
TC-APD Khalifa AirwaysLEALgrahamepage
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesEGPKAyronautica
TC-APD Pegasus AirlinesEGCCAV8 Photos