Boeing 737 Classic [29201 / 3018]

Registration: EI-STW
Operator: ASL Airlines Ireland
HEX Code: 4CAA8F
Engines: CFMI CFM56-3C1 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VP-BAHBoeing737-4M01998Boeing pre-delivery, customer reg
VP-BAHAeroflot - Russian Airlines737-4M01998own Sailplane Leasing, sSNN ret lessor 09.03, s rgd PK-GZF for Garuda 03.10.03
PK-GZFGaruda Indonesia737-4M02003ret GECAS 08.03.06
N391LSLessor737-4M02006sSZB Skynet Asia Airways-fcs 28.07.06
JA737VSkynet Asia Airways737-4M02006own Afco td
JA737VSolaseed Air737-4M02011new name, wfu&arrTNA ret CAT 37 01.06.12
5N-BPQAero Contractors737-4M02012
N493CSLessor737-4M0(F)2016sLasham 23.07.16, BoU r13.04.17, frd Lasham--Dothan 07.06.17 for F-conversion, F-cvtd and frd Dothan-Winston Salem 10.01.18, frd Winston Salem--LGG 22-23.04.18
OE-IAUASL Airlines Belgium737-4M0(F)2018
EI-STWASL Airlines Ireland737-4M0(F)2021
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-STW ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFairman45GB
EI-STW ASL Airlines IrelandEGCCSteve OBE
EI-STW ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFcolinw
EI-STW ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFRJflyer
OE-IAU ASL Airlines BelgiumOTT/OFFgrahamepage
N493CS LessorEGHLcolinw
N493CS LessorEGHLgrahamepage
VP-BAH Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLGreggy