Boeing 737 NG [27978 / 40]

Registration: F-HIXD
Operator: ASL Airlines France
HEX Code: 39A2E3
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B26 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AHFDHapag Lloyd737-8K5(WL)199848th LCoD r4.98, s27.07.01 now winglets, s2.01.02 nw World of TUI col
D-AHFDHapag Fly737-8K5(WL)2005
D-AHFDTUIfly737-8K5(WL)2007MST repaint nc r/o 13.01.07
VQ-BDZNordstar737-8K5(WL)2010frd to MST 26.04.10 for repaint, frd to HAJ 04.05.10 fc, canc 20.05.10, wfs 19.02.19, frd DME-SHJ 20.02.19 for lse return to SASOF II (A17) Avtn Ireland DAC
ZS-FGBFlySafair737-8K5(WL)2019SHJ-JNB VQ-rgd. Lsd from Carlyle Aviation Partners. WFU 04.02.2024. Std LGG 09.03.2024
OE-LSZLessor737-8K5(WL)2024ASL Aviation Holdings. Due for ASL Airlines France as F-HIXD
F-HIXDASL Airlines France737-8K5(WL)2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
VQ-BDZ NordstarHESHgrahamepage
VQ-BDZ NordstarOTT/OFFWarthog1
D-AHFD Hapag FlyLGKRGreggy