Boeing 737 NG [27981 / 7]

Registration: LY-BFM
Operator: Private
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Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-AHFAHapag Lloyd737-8K5(WL)1998800-Proto,frd to boeF 1.12.98, 52nd Leasing Co of Degas r12.98, s31.01.02 DUS new col, no winglets yet, s early 3.02 now winglets
D-AHFAHapag Fly737-8K5(WL)2005nc sNUE 31.01.06
D-AHFATUIfly737-8K5(WL)2007EIN repaint TUIfly col, ret FKB 12.01.09
C-GCQSCanJet Airlines737-8K5(WL)2009winter lease, due ret 28.04.10
D-AHFATUIfly737-8K5(WL)2010frd YHZ-HAJ C-rgd 20.04.10, canc 21.04.10, sis 26.04.10 D-rgd fc
D-AHFAAir Berlin737-8K5(WL)2011fc, EIN-HAJ, for sale from 12.12, repo 02.12 via, frd to EIN 01.05.12, repaint all white, ret HAJ 07.05.12, titles/tail logo in svc summer 2012, in svc 08.11.12 now white/titles
TC-SNYSunExpress737-8K5(WL)2013frd HAJ-IGS 20.03.13 for repaint D-rgd, ret HAJ 28.03.13, frd to PRG 14.04.13 D-rgd, PRG-AYT 05.06.13, wfs 07.11.18, frd AYT-Lasham 08.12.18 lse return, G-DRTO Jet2 ntu, see cn 37818
LY-BFMPrivate737-8K5(WL)2019sLasham still SunExpress cs
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-SNY SunExpressLSZHGreggy
TC-SNY SunExpressHESHgrahamepage
D-AHFA Air BerlinOTT/OFFWarthog1
D-AHFA Hapag FlyLGKRGreggy
D-AHFA Hapag LloydLEPAgrahamepage
D-AHFA Hapag LloydEDDLWarthog1