Boeing 737 NG [28006 / 26]

Registration: N278EA
Operator: Eastern Airlines
HEX Code:
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-MRCMaersk Air737-7L91998SAAM 26.02.02, lsd back
OY-MRCSterling European Airlines737-7L92005sAMS 24.01.06 basic Maersk, Sterling titl, last svc to Billund 28.10.08, AL ceased 29.10.08
VQ-BERMoskovia Airlines737-7L9(WL)2009ACG Acquisitions, N-rgd 13.01.09, frd 19-23.01.09 BLL-VCV N-rgd Sterling fc, s24.03.09, s23.05.09, N-reg WFBN canc 25.08.09, sDME 02.09.09 winglets, AOC suspended and AL ceased 29.08.14
N278EAEastern Airlines737-7L9(WL)2015str TAS 10.05.14, WFBN N-rgd 02.12.14, frd TAS-RIX 31.12.14 N-rgd, frd to St Athan 16.01.15 pkd Moskovia cs, marketed for sale by P4-JET as of 13.05.15, rgd by trustee 28.05.15, frd St. Athan-Norwich 02.06.15 N-rgd, frd NWI--Fort Worth FTW 13-14.08.15 still Moskovia cs white tail, frd to MIA 03.09.15 Eastern fcs, N-rr res 16.09.15, rr 26.10.15 officially although is as such 11.10.15, sis FLL 13.11.15 added Florida Panthers graphics, sGRU 15.06.16 Panthers graphics removed, s10.09.16 with 'Trump
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-MRC Sterling European AirlinesENGMGreggy
OY-MRC Maersk AirLEPAgrahamepage