Boeing 737 NG [28008 / 203]

Registration: N7830A
Operator: Southwest Airlines
HEX Code: AA9E04
Engines: CFMI CFM56-7B22 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-MREMaersk Air737-7L91999Maersk AC r17.12.03, s12.11.04 nc
OY-MRESterling European Airlines737-7L9(WL)2005s30.09.05 Arrecife basic nc, Sterling logo/titles, WFBN r22.08.06, s26.01.08 still basic Maersk col, now red winglets, AL ceased 29.10.08, frd CPH-TLL 05.12.08
OY-MRECimber Sterling737-7L9(WL)2009WFBN r19.02.09, frd TLL-CPH, in svc 03.03.09 CPH-OSL, AL ceased 03.05.12, str CPH
OY-JTWJet Time737-7L9(WL)2012frd CPH-EIN, repaint, ret CPH 26.05.12, OY-rrgd 31.05.12
N7830ASouthwest Airlines737-7L9(WL)2015acc flight CPH 19.04.15, frd CPH--PAE 14.05.15 OY-rgd, canc 19.05.15, WFBN-N-rgd 20.05.15, lsd to SW 05.06.15, sPAE 28.07.15 JetTime cs. WFU and std MZJ 28.07.2022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N7830A Southwest AirlinesOTT/OFFcolinw
N7830A Southwest AirlinesKLAXcolinw
N7830A Southwest AirlinesKLASgrahamepage
N7830A Southwest AirlinesKLAXcolinw
N7830A Southwest AirlinesKLAXJLRAviation
OY-JTW Jet TimeLGSAWarthog1
OY-MRE Cimber SterlingEGKKWarthog1
OY-MRE Maersk AirLEPAgrahamepage