Boeing 737 NG [28071 / 133]

Registration: LV-HFR
Operator: FlyBondi
HEX Code:
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Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ABAQBoeing737-86J(WL)1998Pre-delivery reg not confirmed, if known please update record
D-ABAQAir Berlin737-86J(WL)1998res 29.08.97,rJ Hunold 10.98, BouAH 31.10.01, lsd back, s15.11.01 NUE winglets, frd to EIN 23.01.11 for repaint in nc, ret DTM 29.01.11, frd MUC-OSR 13.10.12 for paint, ret lessor
PK-CLRSriwijaya Air737-86J(WL)2012frd OSR-MUC 21.10.12 fcs, rr 07.11.12, frd MUC-MCT 14.11.12
TC-SBGAnadoluJet737-86J(WL)2013frd CGK--SNN 12-13.03.13 maintenance and lse return, s29.03.13 EI-rgd still Sriwij. fcs, EI-rgd Carnelian Aircraft Leasing r26.04.13, sSNN Anadolujet fcs, del SNN-AYT 19.07.13, repo 01.17 to be available for operating lease from 10.17, wfs 18.09.17
LV-HFRFlyBondi737-86J(WL)2018own BBAM, earmarked as first aircraft for FlyBondi repo 09.17, but see cn 33821, frd IST--Cordoba 14-16.02.18
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